We’re Sensinum. We’re doing great stuff. Want to join the team?

Java programming jobs & front-end jobs at Sensinum software house

Do you know what makes a great software house? We believe that these are great developers that have… a lot of fun developing stuff. Read and find out what we do to make sure that our developers get to do what they love the most in a place that caters to their needs.


Located right in the heart of Kraków, Sensinum genuinely stands out as a software house just like Kraków stands out as a city – I’m not afraid to say that. But so far I have been writing mostly about what makes Sensinum popular with its clients. This time, I’m going to tell you all about why it’s not too bad to work for Sensinum and what kind of developers we’re looking for.

The basics of passion-driven development

We created Sensinum back in 2013 with a goal to put into practice what the majority of other small- to mid-sized software houses are only writing about. It may be our academic background, or just our nature, but we really like challenging ourselves with innovative projects, unique enough to actually require our developers to specialize in various exciting areas. We decided we wanted to make big things with our Java and JavaScript expertise. Soon, our portfolio filled with a great variety of complex web applications and, most recently, advanced algorithm-driven apps of all kinds.

Understandably, to keep on working on such projects, we needed to search clients far beyond the borders of Poland. Today, Sensinum develops exciting stuff for clients from the UK, US and other major markets for web developers. In the process of working with those clients, we fly all over the world to meet and work with them. Our new employees quickly discover that these exciting international voyages are one of the major perks of working at Sensinum.

A schedule filled with projects and clients this diverse and challenging ensures that our developers (almost) never get bored working on repetitive and sneeze-inducing tasks that just about anyone could handle. However, at the same time it requires our developers to really love their job, to really enjoy getting better and better all the time. Passion is not something one can learn. It’s something you just have. And once you do, working in Sensinum is nothing short of fascinating. All the more so as…

The joy of being understood

… here, you are likely to find a whole bunch of like-minded individuals. Despite growing at a really impressive pace, we managed to steer clear of the unwelcoming corporate climate that many other successful software houses seem to favor at some point of their growth. But Sensinum has hardly changed in this regard since 2013. We still enjoy and appreciate the fun yet focused and just a little geeky atmosphere of microteams, working Agile and speaking their mind freely each and every step of the way to deliver the very best results. We know that we have great developers. So we tend to trust them.

The friendly nature of working at Sensinum should be made even more apparent at our new office – located in a close vicinity to the center of Krakow, full of restaurants, pubs, cafes and other cool places to go to with your teammates.

Why u so informal?

Our academic background and close cooperation with the AGH University of Technology in Kraków give us a big boost in terms of our R&D capability. But at the same time, it makes it all the more funnier every time our guests and fresh employees discover how informal we are otherwise. There is no dress code. The working hours are very elastic and when in need, working remotely is never a problem. There isn’t much in the way of formal requirements that could bother even the most laid back of a developer.

Not that lodging and boarding is over with…

…, we can go back to awesome project! We have a lot to do here at Sensinum and we want you to join us. We’re now searching for a front-end developer capable of building single page applications (required experience in JavaScript, AngularJS, HTML5 and CSS3) and back-end developers for Java programming jobs with extensive experience in Java, Spring and Hibernate.


Can you feel that I’m talking to you and about you? Then, how about we meet in person? Contact us and get on board.

Sensinum Team
Sensinum Team